As we get older we start to see and feel the world around us take its toll on our bodies and perception. Whether it be the gradual sagging of different body parts, or the seemingly endless exhaustion, it's all a part of getting older.
But what I don't accept is the bitterness that can start to settle in our hearts and minds. We begin to see our world as a place we have to guard and defend ourselves from rather than a place to be a part of and enjoy.
Back before that first major heartbreak, before the friend let us down, before a parent made you feel "not enough," there was a spark of life there. We could see the world through pure eyes and be excited about it. There was magic to be found and adventures to be had! That random hole you came upon in the woods most definitely lead to Wonderland, if only you could fit...
So where did that all go? I know it still has to be there because I've witnessed it in myself and in you! Like that one time when we...
So go out today, tomorrow, next week, month, year, and try and remember how you saw things before. Feel the world around you the way you should feel it. All the negativity and darkness is there too, don't think I'm naive. But, I'm confident you can look past all that, if only for a minute, and just let love consume you completely. Feel safe in that minute, and let others feel safe around you.
And if you ever think you need more than that minute, I'm always down for some fort making and imagination time.
How we choose to face our mortality is absolutely up to us. I, like you, choose to look at my own battle scars as as earned rather than forced upon me. I love the visual you paint about our memories of youth and I wholeheartedly agree with your advice to go out there and take another look...through the eyes of a child. Nice post!