Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Embracing Nature

This is something I wrote over the summer while spending a week in the Colorado mountains. My love for nature was brought to life again and I spent an afternoon meditating in a meadow by myself and these are the things I felt and thought I would write down.

I really like embracing my inner hippy sometimes. ;)

If you sit silent and still long enough, nature will accept you back in and forgive you for your transgressions against the Earth. 

The rock beneath me reminding me where I came from.
The water rushing over pebbles in the stream matching the flow of the blood through my veins.
The soft breeze rattling the leaves in the trees purifies my spirit.

The trees sing their stories to me and fill me with their energy unselfishly.
The birds and butterflies accept me as a brother, unafraid to come close, or even to land upon me for a moment before continuing on with their life journey.

It all cradles and embraces me, knowing I'm there to do no harm, but only to revel in the awesomeness around me.

I let the air fill my lungs one last time, say my thanks, and make my way back to the world I'm forced to live in for now. 
I don't say goodbye because I know I'll be back again, either in this body or once I'm free to join nature, adding my energy and love back into the Earth for others to enjoy.