Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Boy With My Heart

The first time I saw him he was wearing a Nintendo shirt with all of my favorite characters on it, thus earning him his first golden coin.

Right away I knew he was going to be someone different with his first words to me being, "Oh my gosh, YOUR EYES! They're beautiful!" Second golden coin. It was like he used some sort of power up that allowed him to see into my life and adjust his interests to link up perfectly with mine. He collected coin after coin the more we figured out.

The Boy was able to press all the right buttons that resulted in a combo attack on the walls I had put up, knocking them down and jumping over the hurdles that would make a short Italian plumber jealous. Our lives just seemed to synchronize effortlessly. The more time we spent together, the more we realized we had really discovered something special, a hidden area on this level of our lives that we had passed over and over before.

As fun and exciting as it all was though, it was also scary. There was no strategy guide released that could tell us which paths to take to avoid any traps, or where to find the secret items that would make us invincible to any enemies along the way. But then the Boy and I realized that sometimes you just have to explore the new worlds you encounter, and this was definitely something new.

Eventually the Boy traded in all the coins he had earned, allowing him to level up and receive my heart as the prize. There were a few boss battles along the way for me as well, such as meeting his family, but of course I got a new high score that earned me my place as number one and my turn to level up.

Even though the Boy With My Heart and I have played through adventures that resemble the one we are on now, this one is definitely an updated version and have yet to see where exactly the story leads. But I feel confident that just like every Mario or Zelda game, the Boy With My Heart and I will play level after level, on all the sequels and consoles, to save our love and avoid a game over.