Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Lady With The Smile

I don't remember the first time I met The Lady With The Smile, it was just like suddenly here was an amazing person in my life. Each time I saw her she had different hair, but always the same beautiful smile and radiating light around her. We would dance at the club, or chug a bottle at a party, and then slowly a genuine friendship formed.

The Lady With The Smile to me is one of those people that make me feel completely comfortable, and comforted, when she is around. She just seems to be able to see through any facade that you try putting up and comes in with a big hug that makes all your problems fade away, if only for a second. Sometimes The Lady With The Smile will just randomly send you a text to say "I love you," and who doesn't like being reminded that someone out there is thinking and caring about you.

I find myself telling The Lady With The Smile personal things that are going on in my life that I normally try and keep bottled up. She always listens with her full attention, and then offers some of the best advice I ever get from anyone. But she doesn't stop there, she always comes back to check and make sure I'm doing okay with whatever was going on. Rarely do you find someone who will be genuinely interested and concerned with your issues.

As people grow older the world has a way of taking more and more from them. It's rare to find people who seem to still be grasping on to that genuine love for others and a love for life. The Lady With The Smile is definitely one of those people though. I'm not implying The Lady With The Smile is old in the least, but I hope that when I reach her age I can dance and live my life as freely as she does. I respect the childlike part of herself that she has held on to and strive to be that same sort of person.

This post is a little more serious than I would have liked as The Lady With The Smile and I are usually just always having fun and enjoying our friends together; laughing, dancing, playing hide-and-seek. But as much fun as we have, it's all the things I've described about her, and how she makes me feel, that means the most. I can say with almost 100% confidence that I'm not the only one she makes feel this wonderful either.

So pink hair, vampire teeth, covered in mud, or dripping in sweat dancing on stage, the smile that The Lady offers to her friends and the world always stays constant and true. Exactly what we need.


  1. I especially like this post as The Lady With The Smile is a familiar person. She is actually the one responsible for my finding your site, for which I am grateful. She spoke highly of you and your writing and she did not disappoint. You are both blessed to have each other! Keep going, the stories as great.

  2. I love this line "As people grow older the world has a way of taking more and more from them." Again, beautiful post

    1. It's funny you chose this one (or maybe you realized) because this post is about Hasty!
